2024年7月21日 星期日

Visual Syslog Server (開源)

Visual Syslog Server for Windows is a free open source program to receive and view syslog messages. Useful when setting up routers and systems based on Unix/Linux. Visual Syslog Server for Windows has a live messages view: switches to a new received message. Helpful color highlighting. Useful message filtering. Customizable notification and actions. 

 官方網站-->https://maxbelkov.github.io/visualsyslog/%20" target="_blank 


https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/m/articles/10340644fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0U7RmBSGr2_bsd0gNY0QON8JeTXn_98Cr5RwtYlxid1XEn8CDk_R0vehU_aem_wb4om4z2IFpOp_W8eAJPFg" target="_blank



免費IIS 憑證(自動更新)

如下為適用Windows 版本使用(若需使用LINUX請在如下網站連結參考) Certbot: win-acme  Certify The Web 連結: https://www.win-acme.com  Certbot:win-acme 連結: https://certify...