2016年6月21日 星期二

Hyper-V VMMS EvenID 12510

發生主機WINDOWS Server 2008 R2

Hyper-V VMMS EvenID 12510 

內容-->用於伺服器驗證的憑證將在 30 天內到期。在此憑證過期後,即無法從遠端存取虛擬機器。請更新或重新建立憑證。

原因:Hyper-V 虛擬機器管理服務 (VMM) 憑證已過期,就會發生這個問題。
下載:Windows Server 2008 x64 版本 (KB967902) 的更新


更新如上設定是針對windows server 2008
若OS為WINDOWS Server 2008 R2需使用如下方式

After speaking with Microsoft Product Support, we resolved the issue by performing the following steps to generate a new certificate with an expiry one (1) year in the future.
1) Open Services.msc and go to the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service and stop the service.
2) Next go to Start - Run and enter MMC - Ok
3) In the MMC go to File - Add/Remove Snap-in, in the list of Available snap-ins select Certificates then Add.
4) In the next window select Service Account and Next. In the Select Computer select the default of Local Computer then Next.
5) Now under the Service Account drill down to the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management and select it then Finish and OK.
6) Now in the left hand pane expand Certificates, vmms\Personal and highlight Certificates. In the right hand pane double click on the certificate, should show the Issued To as the host machine name.
7) On the General tab of the certificate at the bottom it should show Valid from and a starting and ending date.
8) Closed the window for the certificate and then in the right hand pane right click and select delete.
9) Go back to the Services.msc and restart the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service.
10) Back to the MMC console and refresh the Personal\Certificates and you should see a new one there. Double click on it and verify the new valid dates.
11) To be able to access the VM's now you will either have to restart the VM or simply use the save state then start the VM back up.
Thanks to Ashish in Microsoft Product Support for his help.
Issue resolved for another year...Michael




免費IIS 憑證(自動更新)

如下為適用Windows 版本使用(若需使用LINUX請在如下網站連結參考) Certbot: win-acme  Certify The Web 連結: https://www.win-acme.com  Certbot:win-acme 連結: https://certify...